Dearborn County Historical Marker - Medal of Honor Citations

A Visit to Aurora and Lawrenceburg, Indiana
A Visit to Aurora and Lawrenceburg, Indiana
Dearborn County Historical Marker - Medal of Honor Citations
Medal of Honor Citations
Civil War
By Ginger Drenning, August 23, 2009
Dearborn County
Medal of Honor Citations
Civil War
Name Awarded
Pvt. William Shepherd - - May 3, 1865
Pvt. Frank Stolz - - July 9, 1894
Pvt. David H. Helms - - - July 26, 1894
Pvt. Thomas A. Blasdel - - - August 11, 1894
Pvt. John W. Conaway - - - - August 11, 1894
Pvt. William W. Chisman - - - August 15, 1894

Erected 1966 by Legion Posts of Dearborn County.
 Marker series. This marker is included in the Medal of Honor Recipients marker series.

Location. 39° 5.455' N, 84° 50.995' W.
Marker is in Lawrenceburg, Indiana, in Dearborn County.
Marker is on West High Street west of Mary Street, on the right when traveling west.
Located on the left pillar - of the front entry of Dearborn County Courthouse in Lawrenceburg, Indiana.
Marker is at or near this postal address:
215 West High Street, Lawrenceburg IN 47025, United States of America.

Brief History of the Medal of Honor
Established by an act of Congress on December 21, 1862, the law authorized a December 9 resolution introduced by Iowa Senator James W. Grimes. This Medal of Honor was to "promote the efficiency of the Navy," by awarding a medal for acts that went above and beyond the call of duty. Congress authorized an Army version on July 12, 1862. The Air Force received a version on April 14, 1965. The Medal of Honor is awarded only to members of the United States Military.  Marines and Coast Guard personnel receive the naval version of the Medal.
Awarding the Medal of Honor
Typically, a request for awarding a Medal of Honor ascends up through the chain of command from the proposed recipient’s commanding officer until it reaches the Secretary of Defense, who will pass the recommendation on to a member of Congress. Typically, this member is from the proposed recipients Congressional District. Alternatively, a member of Congress can introduce a resolution without this chain of command. The chain of command process can take up to eighteen months to complete. If Congress approves the resolution to award the Medal of Honor to an individual, the President of the United States personally awards the Medal to the recipient at a White House ceremony, in the name of Congress. If the award is posthumous, or the recipient is unable to participate, the next of kin will receive the award in their stead. Currently Congress has awarded 3,515 Medals of Honor since its establishment during the Civil War.
Current guidelines for awarding the Medal of Honor, established by Congress in 1963:
1.  While engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States;
2, while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or,
3, while serving with friendly forces engaged in armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.

Congressional Medal of Honor Society
40 Patriots Point Road
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Historical Marker Project.- Medal of Honor Recipients
