Exploring Indiana's Historic Sites, Markers & Museums North East Edition
Take a fun road trip through the rich history of Indiana using Exploring Indiana’s Historic Sites, Markers & Museums Northeast Edition as your guidebook. Celebrate the Indiana Bi-Centennial by traveling the roads and towns in northeast Indiana. Visit the places and learn the stories of Indiana’s rich history.
Fort Wayne anchors the historic North east region of Indiana. Its location at the junction of three rivers, the St. Joseph, the St. Mary’s and Maumee rivers provided a valuable aquatic highway into the region for the natives that lived there and the later French fur traders. General Anthony Wayne constructed a fort at the site after the Battle of Fallen Timbers to help establish American control in the area. Visitors will find other historic areas of importance in the region. Gene Stratton Porter’s Limberlost home is in the region as are two popular Indiana State Parks, Chain ‘o Lakes and Pokegon. Visitors will find much to love on any road trip through northeastern Indiana.
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