East Fork of the White River

East Fork of the White River

The East Fork of the White River begins in Columbus, Indiana and meanders 200 miles before joining the West Fork of the White near
Petersburg to complete the remaining 50 miles to the Wabash River. On its way to its union with the West Fork it crosses Bartholomew, Jackson, Washington, Lawrence, Martin, Dubois, Davies and Pike, where it meets the West Fork.

East Fork of the White River in Dubois County
Length -

The East Fork of the White River forms the northern boundary between Dubois County and the southern boundaries of Martin and Daviess Counties across the river from Dubois.

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Indiana Waterways, Davies and Pike, where it meets the West Fork.

East Fork of the White River in Dubois County
Length -

The East Fork of the White River forms the northern boundary between Dubois County and the southern boundaries of Martin and Daviess Counties across the river from Dubois.

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Indiana Waterways
East Fork of the White River in Bartholomew County
Length - About 11 miles.
The East Fork of the White River begins with the union of the Flatrock and Driftwood Rivers just west of Columbus, Indiana. It joins Sand Creek at the border of Jackson and Bartholomew Counties about 11 miles south, then enters Jackson County.

There is one canoe trip of approximately 22 miles which includes portions of Bartholomew and Jackson Counties. A state maintained put in spot is located on Lindsay Street in Columbus with a parking lot large enough for about ten cars. The take out spot is one half mile west of Rockford, Indiana on County Road 725 N/East Reddington Street at a state maintained ramp with a parking lot. This is about a half mile west of Indiana State Road 11. Rockford is just north of Seymour, Indiana in Jackson County.

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East Fork of the White River in Lawrence County
Length - Approxomately 25 miles

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?q=lawrence+county+indiana&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Lawrence,+Indiana&gl=us&ll=38.851886,-86.499655&spn=0.180611,0.41851&t=m&z=12&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

The East Fork of the White River enters Lawrence County at the county line between Washington County and Lawrence County it forms the county line between Lawrence and Jackson County for about four miles. There is a state owned boat ramp about a half mile east of Lawrenceport on the Lawrenceport Road. To get to this ramp from Bedford take the Tunnelton Road south from US 50. The intersection for this road is about 3.2 miles east of the US 50/Indiana State Road 37 intersection. Going east turn right on the Tunnelton Road at the Otis Park Golf Park. Follow Tunnelton Road south for about 12 miles through Tunnelton. Cross the White River and turn right on the Lawrence/Tunnelton Road. Stay on this road, it will evenutally turn into Lawrenceport Road. The take out point is on the right (north) side of the road about .5 miles east of Lawrenceport.

There is a canoe trip which is about 12.5 miles long and will take about five hours. Put the canoe in at the Lawrenceport access point. The take out point is at the Indiana State Road 37/US Route 50 bridge southwest of Bedford.

Another canoe trip which is approximately the same length is to put the canoe in at the Indiana State Road 37/US Route 50 ramp and float west to the take out point at Williams Dam Public Fishing Area. To get to the take out point from the put in point by car take Indiana State Road 450 (Williams Road) , which is about .2 miles east of the Indiana State Road 37/US Route 50/Indiana State Road 158 intersection. Take Indiana State Road 158 West to Indiana State Road 450 (Williams Road) (.2 miles). It will be about 9.1 miles to the Williams Dam Public Fishing Area. About two miles to the west of the fishing area the Williams Covered Bridge crosses the White River.

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East Fork of the White River in Martin County
Length - Approx. 35 miles

The East Fork of the White River enters Martin County from the west from its intersection with US 231/Indiana State Road 45 on the southwest corner of the county. For about one mile the East Fork of the White River forms the county line with Dubois County. About a mile after it leaves the county line the Lost River flows in about a mile south of Abel Hill Road from Orange County from the east. The East Fork of the White River flows past Abel Hill Road for perhaps a half mile before meandering first northwest, then mostly north. No roads border it until it reaches Hindustan Falls southwest of Shoals. The river takes a westward tack, then bends towards the north, then east finally flowing through Shoals. Few roads border it along this stretch until it reaches Shoals. North of Shoals West River Road follows it for a ways before veering away. In the east side East River Road follows it for a while. East Fork of the White River doesn't flow through any more towns in Martin County. On the east side Old South Cabin Lane and Williams Road follow it for a time. On the west, later north, side Indiana State Road 450 follows it for a while. It exits Martin County, entering Lawrence County, returns briefly to Martin County and finally leaving for good about a mile south fo Indiana State Road 450.

The river is a wonderful place to canoe and fish during the summer. there are two canoe routes, both having terminus' at Hindostan Falls. For most of its journey through Martin County the East Fork of the White River flows through forest or agricultural land.

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