Lost River

Lost River
Length - About 87 Miles

The Lost River is a large sinking and subterranean stream, and an intricate cave system. There are two forks of the Lost River. The North Fork begins southwest of the intersection of North Smedley Road and West Ben Walton Road. The South Fork of the Lost River begins about 1.5 miles south just west of North Smedley Road in Washington County. The North and South Forks of the Lost River meet about three miles west of their sources. The juction is somewhat less than a mile east of Claysville, IN, just south of Lost River Road in Washington County. On its way west the Lost River crosses Washington, Orange and Martin Counties. For about 23 miles of this length, mostly in Orange County, the Lost River flows underground, hence its name.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=N+Co+Rd+350+W&daddr=W+Co+Rd+510+N&geocode=FYtsTQId1rvX-g%3BFUJ4TQIdJj_X-g&hl=en&mra=mift&mrsp=0&sz=14&sll=38.627801,-86.525917&sspn=0.039025,0.104628&ie=UTF8&ll=38.627801,-86.525917&spn=0.039025,0.104628&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

Rise of Lost River Tours
Phone: 317-253-6951
Meet at Orleans Congress Square gazebo. A free day-long public tour of Indiana's Lost River karst system. Tours start at 7:40 AM in Orleans, April 4, June 6 and September 19, 2009. Call the number for the current years hiking date.

You may tour the system on your own. There are two main features, the Orangeville Rise and the Wesley Chapel Gulf.
Both are found southwest of Orleans. the Orangville Rise is on County Road 500 N, on the south side of the town of Orangeville. The Wesley Chapel Gulf is accessed from the intersection of County Road 500 W and 350 West. It is about .3 miles south of 500 W. A small parking area is provided near both sites. Hiking trails will allow you to throughly inspect the sites. At the Orangeville Rise Indiana's second largest spring comes to the surface, forming streams which intersect with the Lost River.
At the Wesley Chapel Gulf you will see the subterreanean channel of the Lost River as it travels sixty to one hundred fifty feet below the earth. This is one of the more unique places to visit in Indiana.

East Fork of the White River in Martin County
Length - About 13 miles
The Lost River enters Martin County from the east just west of the point that US Route 150 enters Martin County from Orange County. It flows on a meandering course west through the Hoosier National Forest to its eventual junction with the East Fork of the White River a short distance south of Abel Hill Road. From east to west the roads that border it for short distances are Roland Lane, Bird Lane, Windom Road and River Road.

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