Indiana Photo of the Day - Turkey Run State Park - Sugar Creek

Indiana Photo of the Day - Turkey Run State Park - Sugar Creek
Indiana Photo of the Day - Turkey Run State Park - Sugar Creek
Exploring Indiana's Historic Sites, Markers & Museums - West Central Edition
Exploring Indiana's Historic Sites,
Markers & Museums -
West Central Edition
Established in 1916 as Indiana's second state park, Turkey Run is on Indiana State Road 47 about two miles east of its intersection with US 47. The state acquired the property from the Hoosier Veneer company for $40,000 after receiving a $20,000 grant from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The wild canyons of the park create challenging hiking and beautiful scenery. Hikers can cross Sugar Creek on the Suspension Bridge while watching canoeists ply the waters on their way downstream. The park contains a number of historic buildings, including the home of John Lusk, a prominent early owner of the property. Overnight visitors may stay at one of the campgrounds in the park or at Turkey Run Inn.
Captain Salmon Lusk (Apr. 17, 1788 - Aug. 30, 1869)
The son of Samuel Lusk and Naomi Lusk Salmon was a native of Vermont. He received a government grant of land as compensation for his War of 1812 service. Lusk built a log cabin in 1822. He and his wife Mary Beard Lusk lived there until they built their brick home in 1841. The Lusks by this time had eight children and need a bigger home. He and his sons made the brick for the home, and then dug a coalmine nearby to use the coal to heat the home and to cook. Nearby, at the Narrow, he built a gristmill in 1826. At his death, he left the 1000 acres to his son John.
Richard Lieber (September 5, 1869 – April 15, 1944)
Visitors to Turkey Run will find the Richard Lieber Memorial east of Turkey Run Inn behind the Log Church. The Memorial contains the ashes of the founder of the Indiana State Park system. Born in Düsseldorf, Germany to a wealthy family, he received his education from private tutors. To fulfill his parent's desire to learn English, he traveled to London, England after graduating from college. In 1891, he came to Indianapolis, Indiana in to join two uncles who had immigrated there. He eventually became an American citizen. He worked as a reporter for the Indiana Tribune and married the owner's daughter, Emma Rappaport. After visiting Yosemite National Park, the Rocky Mountains of Idaho and Montana in 1900, he became an ardent conservationist. President Theodore Roosevelt held Conference of Governors in 1908, which Lieber attended as a delegate. He wrote a series of articles promoting Indianapolis as the site for the Fourth National Conservation Congress in 1912. He succeeded in his effort, and served as the chairman. As Indiana's centennial approached, Lieber began advocating for a state park system. Because of his efforts, Turkey Run and McCormick's Creek State Park were established in 1916. Lieber passed away while visiting McCormick's Creek in 1944. His ashes lie at Turkey Run State Park.
Picnic areas w/shelters
Activities at Turkey Run State Park
Picnic areas w/shelters
Interpretive Naturalist Services
Nature Center / Planetarium
Cabins, Inn Operated
Rental - Cultural Arts Programs
Hiking Trails
Turkey Run Inn Accommodations with Indoor Pool
Inn Restaurant
Meeting & Conference Facilities
Saddle Barn with escorted rides (765) 597-2280
Tennis & Other Games
Swimming / Pool
For more information about Turkey Run State Park, contact:
8121 E. Park Road
Marshall, IN 47859

(765) 597-2635
