Indiana Auto Trail - Brown County State Park Auto Tour

Brown County State Park Auto Tour
Brown County State Park Auto Tour
Brown County State Park Auto Tour

A Visit to Brown County State Park
Brown County State Park offers an auto tour of the park with cassette tape. Inquire at the Nature Center, park office or Abe Martin lodge. The six-mile tour provides an excellent way to see the park.
Because of the park's resemblance to the Smoky Mountains, the area has earned the nickname "Little Smokies." Brown County State Park features several scenic  vista lookouts. Overnight guests may stay at the campground, the Inn or in a cabin. Visitors will find many wonderful picnic areas.
Activities in the park include:
Abe Martin Lodge
Nature Center / Interpretive Naturalist Services
Bridle Trails / Saddle Barn
Picnic Tables
Fishing / Ice Fishing
Hiking Trails
Mountain Bike Trails
Tennis Courts
Open Fields
Playground Equipment
Swimming / Pool
Brown County State Park
P.O. Box 608
Nashville, IN 47448
(812) 988-6406
For more information, see the author's book:
A Visit to Brown County State Park
