Flatrock River
The Flatrock River rises near Mooreland in northeastern Henry County and flows generally southwestwardly through Rush, Decatur, Shelby and Bartholomew counties, past the communities of Lewisville, Rushville and St. Paul. It joins the Driftwood River at Columbus to form the East Fork of the White River. There is a 23 mile section which is recommended for canoeing. The put in spot is about two miles north of Norristown, Indiana in Shelby County at the Indiana State Highway Bridge. The moderatly difficult trip will take approximately 9 hours and ends at the state recommended take out point near the US Route 31 bridge near Columbus.
The Flatrock historically had over 30 gristmills along its length. Only one remains, but the dams of several of the others are still in existence. There are several covered bridges along the length of the River.
In Decatur County it collects the Little Flatrock River, which rises in Rush County and flows southwestwardly 23.4 miles, past Milroy.
Flatrock River in Bartholomew County
Length - 12.3 miles
The Flatrock River flows into Bartholomew about 7.4 miles from its intersection with Indiana State Road 9 in Shelby County. From the county line the Flatrock River flows approximately 12.3 miles to its juction with the Driftwood River just west of Columbus. The two rivers form the East Fork of the Whitewater River at this point. Flat Rock Park, north of Columbus, Indiana, lies on the east shore of the Flatrock River.
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Flat+Rock+Park,+Columbus,+Bartholomew,+Indiana+47203&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&geocode=FV3zVgIdYwjh-g&split=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&hq=&hnear=Flat+Rock+Park,+Columbus,+Bartholomew,+Indiana&ll=39.252829,-85.915549&spn=0.021503,0.052314&t=m&z=14&vpsrc=6&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
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