[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Edinburgh,+IN+46124&daddr=US-31+S&hl=en&geocode=FWp_WAIdvkDg-in1vmWb2XJriDHUqDGqQR1jWA%3BFT11WAIdMAfg-g&gl=us&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=13&sll=39.345981,-85.959435&sspn=0.077659,0.209255&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&ll=39.345981,-85.959435&spn=0.077659,0.209255&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
Driftwood State Fishing Area
Offers three fishing lakes, picnic areas, and a boat ramp. W of US 31 in Edinburgh 9.5 miles N of Columbus
The Driftwood State Fishing Area (SFA) straddles the line between Johnson and Bartholomew Counties. It is located in south-central Indiana along U.S. 31 west of Edinburgh. It covers 263 acres of land and includes three gravel pits: Plover Pit (67 acres), Sandpiper Pit (17 acres), and Meadowlark Pit (2.5 acres). The property is maintained by personnel from nearby Atterbury State Fish and Wildlife Area.
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© Indiana Places 2011
Driftwood State Fishing Area
Offers three fishing lakes, picnic areas, and a boat ramp. W of US 31 in Edinburgh 9.5 miles N of Columbus
The Driftwood State Fishing Area (SFA) straddles the line between Johnson and Bartholomew Counties. It is located in south-central Indiana along U.S. 31 west of Edinburgh. It covers 263 acres of land and includes three gravel pits: Plover Pit (67 acres), Sandpiper Pit (17 acres), and Meadowlark Pit (2.5 acres). The property is maintained by personnel from nearby Atterbury State Fish and Wildlife Area.
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© Indiana Places 2011
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