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Medora Covered Bridge
P. O. Box 132
Medora, Indiana 47260
The Medora Covered Bridge is the longest historic covered bridge in the United States. The Medora Covered Bridge is 432 feet long from abutment to abutment. It spans the East Fork of the White River one mile east of Medora, Indiana on Indiana State Route 235. The Medora Covered Bridge was closed to traffic in 1972 and is currently being restored.
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Medora Covered Bridge
P. O. Box 132
Medora, Indiana 47260
The Medora Covered Bridge is the longest historic covered bridge in the United States. The Medora Covered Bridge is 432 feet long from abutment to abutment. It spans the East Fork of the White River one mile east of Medora, Indiana on Indiana State Route 235. The Medora Covered Bridge was closed to traffic in 1972 and is currently being restored.
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