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Pluto's Alley
8670 West State Road 56
French Lick, IN 47432
Enjoy a strikingly good time at the six lane bowling alley at Pluto's Alley. Play video and pinball machines or shoot a game of pool in the arcade.
Pluto's Alley is a six-lane bowling alley located in the lower level of the French Lick Springs Hotel. Pluto's Alley also features an arcade with video games and pinball machines, and Pluto's Pizzeria serves up calzone, Stromboli and pizza. Parents can unwind with a cocktail at Pluto's Bar.
Pluto's Alley
8670 West State Road 56
French Lick, IN 47432
Enjoy a strikingly good time at the six lane bowling alley at Pluto's Alley. Play video and pinball machines or shoot a game of pool in the arcade.
Pluto's Alley is a six-lane bowling alley located in the lower level of the French Lick Springs Hotel. Pluto's Alley also features an arcade with video games and pinball machines, and Pluto's Pizzeria serves up calzone, Stromboli and pizza. Parents can unwind with a cocktail at Pluto's Bar.
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