Morgan's Raid in Ripley County

Morgan's Raid in Ripley County

Morgan's Raid in Ripley County

Morgan's Raid in Ripley County
Morgan's Raiders entered Ripley County on July 13, 1863. They came from the west, entering from Jefferson County. Rexville, now on US 421 south of Versailles, was their first stop. The main body of Raiders traveled next to Versailles, but another contingent traveled north on the Michigan Road to Napoleon and into Decatur County. This group later rejoined the main group after visiting New Point in Decatur County, Huntersville and then Batesville. The main group of Morgan’s Raiders traveled east, burning bridges and confiscating money and jewelry along their route. They would also take fresh horses.

Morgan in Versailles
Morgan in Versailles

Morgan in Versailles
Construction on the first courthouse in Versailles occurred in 1821 in the center of the town square. This building required replacement by the 1860's. The county began construction on a new building during the years 1860 – 1863. The Civil War slowed down construction on the building. The courthouse was the target of John Hunt Morgan’s Civil War Raid in July 1863. Organization of a militia to defend the town was undertaken. It disbanded in the face of Morgan’s far superior and better-armed force. Morgan had about 2,000 troops and a cannon. He threatened to use the cannon on the newly completed Court House in Versailles, Indiana if any of the natives resisted his troops. Morgan’s troops confiscated the county treasury, food, possessions and livestock.

Morgan's Raid at Sunman, Ripley County Indiana
Morgan's Raid at Sunman, Ripley County Indiana

The Indiana Historical Society has placed along the route commemorative markers. At Rexville, Versailles, on the Milan Road at the Hassmer home, just north of Versailles; at Pierceville, Old Milan at Governor Harding's Home, and at St. Paul's Church south of Sunman, the Ripley County markers show that "Colonel John Morgan passed here on July 12, 1863", They encamped briefly near Sunman before leaving the county and entering Dearborn County.
Morgan's Raid at Sunman, Ripley County Indiana
Morgan's Raid at Sunman, Ripley County Indiana
Exploring Indiana's Historic Sites,
Markers & Museums
South East Edition
Exploring Indiana's Historic Sites, Markers & Museums - South East Edition

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