[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Wilstem+guest+ranch+paoli+in&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=40.409448,107.138672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Wilstem+Guest+Ranch,+4229+W+US+Highway+150,+Paoli,+Orange,+Indiana+47454&z=14&iwloc=A&ll=38.567818,-86.540641&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
Wilstem Guest Ranch at Valley of the Springs
PO Box 88
4229 W US Highway 150
French Lick, IN 47432
Phone 812-936-4484
Wilstem Guest Ranch has over 1100 acres of natural beauty nestled among the rolling hills of Southern Indiana. Horseback riding, cabins, lodge, lots of wide open space and plenty of fun!
You may bring your own horses, or ride one of theirs. In addition to horseback riding you may relax and swim in the outdoor pool or enjoy a friendly or competitive game of volleyball or horseshoes. Grab a jacket and take a cozy hayride around the ranch. Fish in the pond. Canoe the winding creek. Hike the trails. There's plenty of fun at Wilstem Guest Ranch.
Wilstem Guest Ranch offers several cabins to accommodate various size groups. All of the cabins are fully equipped. They have central air, heat, full bath, linens, color TV and VCR and fireplaces. There is a complete kitchen, everything down to the coffee maker and microwave! Outside there is your own charcoal grill and firepit for cozying up to the fire in the evening.
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© Indiana Places 2012
Wilstem Guest Ranch at Valley of the Springs
PO Box 88
4229 W US Highway 150
French Lick, IN 47432
Phone 812-936-4484
Wilstem Guest Ranch has over 1100 acres of natural beauty nestled among the rolling hills of Southern Indiana. Horseback riding, cabins, lodge, lots of wide open space and plenty of fun!
You may bring your own horses, or ride one of theirs. In addition to horseback riding you may relax and swim in the outdoor pool or enjoy a friendly or competitive game of volleyball or horseshoes. Grab a jacket and take a cozy hayride around the ranch. Fish in the pond. Canoe the winding creek. Hike the trails. There's plenty of fun at Wilstem Guest Ranch.
Wilstem Guest Ranch offers several cabins to accommodate various size groups. All of the cabins are fully equipped. They have central air, heat, full bath, linens, color TV and VCR and fireplaces. There is a complete kitchen, everything down to the coffee maker and microwave! Outside there is your own charcoal grill and firepit for cozying up to the fire in the evening.
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© Indiana Places 2012
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