[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=225+West+Oak+Street,+Campbellsburg,+IN&sll=39.045861,-85.169004&sspn=2.491444,6.696167&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=225+W+Oak+St,+Campbellsburg,+Washington,+Indiana+47108&ll=38.651198,-86.266136&spn=0.010205,0.026157&z=14&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
James Wilkins House Bed and Breakfast
225 West Oak Street
Campbellsburg IN 47108
Experience Country hospitality in an Elegant Victorian setting at the James Wilkins House Bed and Breakfast. This 1894 Queen Ann, a true painted lady, echoes with the ambiance of an era long past. Savor a full country breakfast; enjoy the parlor or the library, curled up with a good book or watching your favorite movie. So, if you yearn for that peace and quiet, then the James Wilkins House Bed and Breakfast is the place.
James Wilkins House Bed and Breakfast
225 West Oak Street
Campbellsburg IN 47108
Experience Country hospitality in an Elegant Victorian setting at the James Wilkins House Bed and Breakfast. This 1894 Queen Ann, a true painted lady, echoes with the ambiance of an era long past. Savor a full country breakfast; enjoy the parlor or the library, curled up with a good book or watching your favorite movie. So, if you yearn for that peace and quiet, then the James Wilkins House Bed and Breakfast is the place.
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