[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=French+Lick,+8670+West+State+Road+56,+IN&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=42.224734,107.138672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=8670+Indiana+56,+French+Lick,+Orange,+Indiana+47432&z=14&ll=38.552053,-86.620016&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
French Lick Resort
8670 West State Road 56
French Lick, Indiana 47432
French Lick Resort is the Midwest’s premier resort, spa and golf destination, offering two world-class luxury hotels: West Baden Springs Hotel and French Lick Springs Hotel. Whether you’re looking for a unique family vacation, a corporate meeting or a romantic retreat, French Lick Resort has what you need to create a memorable experience.
Every element at the French Lick Resort provides guests with an experience that reflects our legacy of excellence. Luxurious accommodations, pampering spa treatments, exhilarating Pete Dye-designed golf and state-of-the-art conference and event facilities make French Lick Resort the ultimate getaway.
Healing Waters of Pluto Mineral Spring.
For over two centuries, the Pluto Mineral Spring has drawn visitors to French Lick. Today, guests can still experience the waters that have been touted for their healing powers in the French Lick Springs Hotel’s Pluto Mineral Spring bath.
French Lick Resort
8670 West State Road 56
French Lick, Indiana 47432
French Lick Resort is the Midwest’s premier resort, spa and golf destination, offering two world-class luxury hotels: West Baden Springs Hotel and French Lick Springs Hotel. Whether you’re looking for a unique family vacation, a corporate meeting or a romantic retreat, French Lick Resort has what you need to create a memorable experience.
Every element at the French Lick Resort provides guests with an experience that reflects our legacy of excellence. Luxurious accommodations, pampering spa treatments, exhilarating Pete Dye-designed golf and state-of-the-art conference and event facilities make French Lick Resort the ultimate getaway.
Healing Waters of Pluto Mineral Spring.
For over two centuries, the Pluto Mineral Spring has drawn visitors to French Lick. Today, guests can still experience the waters that have been touted for their healing powers in the French Lick Springs Hotel’s Pluto Mineral Spring bath.
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