[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?q=145+Westavia+Blvd,+Scottsburg,+Scott,+Indiana+47170&ie=UTF8&hl=en&cd=1&geocode=FS1fTgId4MLi-g&split=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&hq=&hnear=145+Westavia+Blvd,+Scottsburg,+Scott,+Indiana+47170&z=16&ll=38.690605,-85.802272&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
Westwood Golf Course
145 Westavia Blvd
Scottsburg, IN 47170-5953
United States
P: (812) 752-3233
Westwood Golf Course is a 9-hole public golf course located just a mile West of Interstate 65 on Highway 56 in Scottsburg, Indiana. Westwood is a par 35 course measuring just under 3,000 yards from the longest tees. Water comes into play on 5 of the 9 holes on the course. Hole #6 is regarded as one of the toughest par 3 holes in Southern Indiana, and is the signature hole of the course. Westwood Golf Course was designed by Gilbert England and opened to the public in 1966. It has a course rating of 35.5 and a slope rating of 113.
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Westwood Golf Course
145 Westavia Blvd
Scottsburg, IN 47170-5953
United States
P: (812) 752-3233
Westwood Golf Course is a 9-hole public golf course located just a mile West of Interstate 65 on Highway 56 in Scottsburg, Indiana. Westwood is a par 35 course measuring just under 3,000 yards from the longest tees. Water comes into play on 5 of the 9 holes on the course. Hole #6 is regarded as one of the toughest par 3 holes in Southern Indiana, and is the signature hole of the course. Westwood Golf Course was designed by Gilbert England and opened to the public in 1966. It has a course rating of 35.5 and a slope rating of 113.
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