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Marshfield Train Robbery
On US 31 about three miles north of Scottsburg, Indiana
Marshfield is an abandoned town which functioned as a water stop for locomotives of the Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis Railroad when the trains ran on steam power. The infamous Reno gang, which operated in Indiana in the late 1860's staged a number of train robberies, of which the Marshfield Train Robbery was the third on May 22, 1868.
The gang detached the engine and express car, stole US Government Notes and Bonds from the car and abandoned the locomotive near Seymour, Indiana. The robber was investigated by the Pinkerton Detective Agency and several suspects were arrested. Before a trial could be conducted the suspects were lynched.
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Marshfield Train Robbery
On US 31 about three miles north of Scottsburg, Indiana
Marshfield is an abandoned town which functioned as a water stop for locomotives of the Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis Railroad when the trains ran on steam power. The infamous Reno gang, which operated in Indiana in the late 1860's staged a number of train robberies, of which the Marshfield Train Robbery was the third on May 22, 1868.
The gang detached the engine and express car, stole US Government Notes and Bonds from the car and abandoned the locomotive near Seymour, Indiana. The robber was investigated by the Pinkerton Detective Agency and several suspects were arrested. Before a trial could be conducted the suspects were lynched.
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