[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?q=419+Percy+King+Rd,+Borden,+Clark,+Indiana+47106&ie=UTF8&hl=en&cd=1&geocode=FVk2SwIdL5Di-g&split=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&hq=&hnear=419+Percy+King+Rd,+Borden,+Clark,+Indiana+47106&z=16&ll=38.483545,-85.815249&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
Lone Star Ranch Bed & Breakfast
419 Percy King Rd.
Borden, IN 47106
(502) 693-7617
If you like riding and watching horses, this bed and breakfast is for you. A herd of Spanish Mustangs is maintained at the Ranch. Guided trail rides of various lengths can be taken. If you want to stay a few days, then you can stay in the bed and breakfast inn located on the property.
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Lone Star Ranch Bed & Breakfast
419 Percy King Rd.
Borden, IN 47106
(502) 693-7617
If you like riding and watching horses, this bed and breakfast is for you. A herd of Spanish Mustangs is maintained at the Ranch. Guided trail rides of various lengths can be taken. If you want to stay a few days, then you can stay in the bed and breakfast inn located on the property.
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