[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=208+E.+Second+Street,+Madison,+IN+47250&sll=39.005942,-85.624427&sspn=0.009071,0.026071&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=208+E+2nd+St,+Madison,+Jefferson,+Indiana+47250&z=16&ll=38.734753,-85.378375&output=embed&w=425&h=350]
The Thomas Family Winery
208 E. Second Street, Madison, IN 47250
The Thomas Family Winery in the historic "Old Town" section of Madison, Indiana in an historic carriage house which is locally known as the Garlinghouse Livery Stable and Blacksmith Shop. The owner of this establishment was an inventor who patented several farm implements.
Just a few steps from the Ohio River, the Thomas Family Winery features a wine tasting room, wine cellar tours, apple cider on draft and live traditional American music on Saturday nights.
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The Thomas Family Winery
208 E. Second Street, Madison, IN 47250
The Thomas Family Winery in the historic "Old Town" section of Madison, Indiana in an historic carriage house which is locally known as the Garlinghouse Livery Stable and Blacksmith Shop. The owner of this establishment was an inventor who patented several farm implements.
Just a few steps from the Ohio River, the Thomas Family Winery features a wine tasting room, wine cellar tours, apple cider on draft and live traditional American music on Saturday nights.
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